Empowering Learners with PECS
Picture Exchange Communication System
Hi dear parents
I have been in the special field for 23 years till date and have worked all over the country in big and small schools alike with children of all age groups, with all kinds of special needs (this revelation is not to boast, but to reiterate the fact that, across cultures and lifestyles, age and needs, certain commonalities exist regarding issues at core level and effective basic strategies applied that helped remedy them).

It’s hard work but sure path to satisfaction when followed, ensuring dignity, independence, ‘shaping’ of skills from where it is to optimal levels of achievement possible when consistently used, consciously and scientifically implemented and planned step by step with daily practice in natural environments across all situations, by all persons involved
So what does PECS mean:
Picture Exchange Communication System
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) introduced PECS. Thus, PECS starts from awareness level and picture recognition level. ABA believes language and cognitive development follows the order of concrete, semi-concrete and abstract association of world around you and therefore starts with recognition and labeling of Objects leading to Picture representation of the objects/similar objects-e.g., mug /glass/ tumbler still serve same purpose and called mug even when of different size, shape, color, material also known as generalization) Then on to line drawing(recognition of patterns, outlines, shadows, part whole, missing, out of place, things going together and not related) then comes symbols, letters, words, phrases, sentences can be used thereby making it a universal approach to all irrespective of age and cognitive awareness.
What does one do when person is unable to sit and learn, pay attention, have scanning limitations, ,has poor to no support in other environments they move in sans classroom set up, is at mono-channel learning levels.
PECS can still be effectively used on the move and in limited environments or by primary caregiver alone and still show cognitive and language development in person applied on. It ls magical to see the leaps and bounds in understanding and social and personal awareness it brings with its use
It’s a non verbal means of 2 way communication
Whom does it cater to:
VERBAL and NON VERBAL population irrelevant of being Typical or Atypical
What are its advantages:
It is expandable (can be used according to age, place, situation and need), adaptable(follows the cognitive and language development patterns scientifically set),
Flexible(uses any convenient medium paper, white board, iPad, computer available and preferred by the user) ,
Aids in:
Access to receptive and expressive communication. Helps remove barriers of ambiguity in language used both ways. Encourages choice making. Establishes appropriate means of communication and understanding. Acts as medium to convey needs, opinions, thoughts and feelings. Ensures independence and self respect. Dependable. Easily accessible. Builds cause-effect relationship between user and environment. Improves sequential memory. Connects experience -language emotion-situation thereby developing on language skills that further builds on cognitive awareness and situational social contexting, improves speech and reduces echolalia, to increase short term memory and expand long term recall…just to name a few advantages of the system
Stages of PECS:
1) to help to initiate spontaneous communication in exchange for basic needs
2) encourage long distance communication and perseverance of the same consistently thru the day with everyone around user
3) generalization of medium used for all situations and places user finds self in 4) use of words representing user’s needs 5) use of phrases and sentences for user’s needs
6) use of Grammer and multiple languages for expression and feeling
How does one implement PECS in daily LIFE… making it SMART?!
Start early in child’s age with concrete objects(making it Picture equivalent, age appropriate, daily routine and setting an aware equation of 2 way communication from the start of bonding) with verbal association of the object while child EXPERIENCES thru their senses the object’s function, purpose, form, and nature.
Help child gather information in this manner by expanding on his knowledge abt the environment thru the day, every day with pairing of name, experience and situation thru labeling of things around them
Give ample time for them to explore, develop interest, sustain it, repeat the process of practice till mastering and/or expanding on same activity to higher levels or variations and /or replace with other interests similarly
Consciously once person’s labeling and association of object with name and
purpose is established…change familiar objects to SIMILAR OBJECTS WHILE KEEPING LABEL SAME…keep expanding on awareness building
ENCOURAGE responses each time once person has a predictable pattern to fall back on in daily routine
Pick on places, situations, interests and comfort levels in person to encourage spontaneity in these areas from person in choices, communication and labeling.
Slowly similar objects can be paired and replaced with line drawing, symbols, words and phrases
Help person string pictures(line drawing, symbols words)together to recall days events and activities their sequence and preferences
Ensure they play a part and have a steady role in daily routine around the house..start small of short duration and personal before expanding making it rewarding and significant to person to have achieved success in
Include colours, shape, textures, temperature, form,purpose, pairs, opposite, sequence, cause effect, senses, quantity, gender,same-different, part-whole, mussing and out of place,logical reasoning, before, after,parts of day with unique events to help understand the difference, parts of body, parts of house, occupations, transport,vegetables,fruits,ordinal nos. Sizes,zero concept,time,money etc during daily exposure and experience with surroundings using PECS and its various forms.
Basically the intent of PECS is:
- To get person to use alternative means of communication OTHER THAN SPEECH
-To encourage spontaneity to communicate with others
-To be empowered and independent in living, choosing and expressing -To eliminate ambiguity from spoken language and gestures
-To establish connection with label, experience, situation and language (verbal or non verbal)
-To facilitate as a 2 way bridge between person and world when understanding and being understood
Happy PECS-ing away with ur special ones
Mrs Bhuvaneshwari karthikeyan